Tue 21 Jan
SOOOO sexy and Im perfectly GOOD at being BAD!!! **SPecials** UP ALL nite !678 780 8534 - 32
SOPHIE dominican hot horny DO U MISS ME..IM HOT AN READY CALL now 6787609013 - 22
(Otp East, clarkston,tucker,lavista,chamblee,stn mo)
Southern Girl that LOVES to give more pleasure than you can IMAGINE!!!!! OUTCALLS ONLY! - - 22
(Atlanta, stockbridge 75-675-285)
Sophisticated Elite Asian Mix Beauty!!! KAI LEE after 3pm - 22
(Atlanta, Atlanta/ AIrport surrounding area)
Perfect Azz! Perfect Titts! Perfect Girl! Perfect Price! Perfect Time! CALL NOW Exotic Ebony Beauty - 24
🍀§ SpaNk Me👋 !🍀§§ NauGhTy 😍🍀 ☆☆ •PuLL My HaiR 😇§§🎊×ExOtic~☔Ebony√ BomBsHeLL💣☆☆ - 23
(Otp North, Gwimnett Norcross Jimmy Carter Blvd)
-:¦:-. Fathers Day special on the Southside if you're man enough -:¦:-. Can U Handle Me?? - 21
╚» *SPECIALS* __ ×°x°× _ EXOTiC : ♥ : : HATIAN _×°x°× __ 100% REAL PICS «╝ - 20
(Airport area(IN)/Downtown Area(OUT))
SPECIALS 100 ( P E T I T E ) °°•★•°° ( S W E E T ) °°•★•°° ( CLASSY ) °°•★•°° ( B E A U T Y ) 100 - 21
(Atlanta, Marietta)
*** Special *** Sexy THICK White girl and magically delicious looking for fun - 36
(Atlanta, lithaspring)
SPECIALS !(120¯hr`´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E BonY °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw - 21
(Otp North, peachtree dunwoody)
== SPaNiSH BuNNy == BRiCK HOUSE == STaCKeD w/a PerFeCT RaCk == SPECIALS u WoNt BeLieVe == - 27
(Atlanta, buckHEAD incaLL ONLY () GReaT SPECIALS)
spcls EXOTiC HotTiE ★ )) __WiTH 1★A __ (( ★ SEDUCTiVE BODy ★)) SPECIALS - 20
(Atlanta, Buckhead / Lenox)
SPEACIALS:•.♥•: :•.♥•:WILLING & WAITING :•.♥•: :•.♥•: BeD SoAkEr :•.♥•: :•.♥•: OUTCALLS - 20
SpEcIaL 80 SeXy, ClaSsY, EvEryThInG ThAt YoUr SeEkInG RiGhT HeRe EbOnY MoDeLS RoUnD BoTToMs - 22
**special** chocolate sexy thing.. $40special call for details for longer times - 22
(Otp North, Marietta n Marietta parkway big chicken)
Special Incall ONLY🌸🌸🌸 (¯`•❤❤•´¯) G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S •❤❤• L_I_T T L E •❤❤• C_U_T_I_E (¯`•❤❤•´¯) - 23
.*¨¨* -:¦:-*SoOo SEDUCTIVE .*¨¨* -:¦:-*! !TWO GIRL = MUST SEE! !*¨¨* -:¦:-* - 22
(Atlanta, Marietta)
SoUTH SiDE'S NeWeST REDBoNE WET °*° CUTIE °*° XOXOX ***** XoXoXo - 19
SpEcIaL 70 SeXy, ClaSsY, EvEryThInG ThAt YoUr SeEkInG RiGhT HeRe EbOnY MoDeL RoUnD BoTToM/ InCaLL - 22
🚙🚙🚙 Special. Delivery... 😂 😂 !! Outcall available...❗❗ - 35
(Atlanta, Otp North, Otp West, Outcall.......2ur place!)
special special all you need for some good fun is $60 im ready 678 732 5101 - 21
(stone mountain lithonia decatur)
SNOWED in WEDSnesday CABIN FEVER sale! Call me and make your best OFFER Sale! 678 450 9063 - 30
(NORTH of atlanta/BUFORD/gainesville)
So ★___ MÂNŸ IMPoSToRS (GIGGLËS) ▅ ▆ █FREAKY & Ready 2 Play!! **BODY 'N' BOOTY** Come see
(Atlanta, **---LooK HERE---** **---LooK HERE---**)
-*-*- So HoT & SEXY Its TRUE ALL The MAGNIFICENT THINGS I Can Do!!! SomeThing Super is Waiting 4 U!! - 25
@@ So LoNelY ~So I'm Tired of PlayinG I NeeD COMPANY (InCalls) ^@ - 23
💋💋 So PreTTy & PiNk 💋💋 WARM 💋 JUICY【 40DDD Melons 】💋【REVIEWED 185013】SPECIALS ALL DAY! - 30
(Atlanta, Downtown-Midtown-Buckhead area)
SO Worth It!! THe Best $$$ U Ever SpENT or Your $$$ BACK!! 60 SPECIAL!! 404-914-3427 - 23
(Atlanta, Cobb Buckhead Marietta Dobbins-ARB)
💖SOFT & sensual Curvaceous Babe ➡CLICK.HERE.NOW (Outcalls🚗only)👌 - 23
(Atlanta, ConyersLawrencevilleDuluth(OUTCALLS))
🍫🍫🍫🍫 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💋💋💋💋💋🍆🍆🌊💦💸💸💸💗💗💗💗💗💗 soft body 38DDD-IN CALLS body❗❗❗ - 30
(Atlanta, Otp South, Whatever you want to be)
**sOFt Squeezable Azz,, Grip & smOOth l!Ps !! ______ _____ ($iN60$$) _(24Hr _______ OUTCALLs 2! - 28
(Otp South, Near Sullivan & Old national // Outcalls)
SoMe MoRnInG LoViNg FrOm A lOvElY fEmAlE ;-)~ThIcK & JuIcY W/A PhAT BoOTY - 25
(Atlanta, PAULDING-Outcalls)
SOFt rOUnD bOOtY ••••••••► •*¨¨*•-:¦¦:-•* HyPnOTiZiNg cURvES *•-: ¦:-•*TaNTaLiZiNg XpERiENcE •*¨¨* - 20
(Atlanta, Airport / Virginia Ave)
SpeCiaL Chocolate FanTa§y↬Fi√ε☆ JuiCy BooTy↘38DD↗δo FrεẰky↬lets §αtisfy ¥our Cur¡os¡╊y ToNiGhT - 23
(Otp North, 85 North/Norcross/Buford hwy./285)
Special 50 roses special 50 50 50 ROSES in-call special - 21
(Otp North, marrietta, windy hill, smyrna, kennesaw)
😘 Spanish Mix ~~~ Beauty ~~~ Si Hablas Espanol ~~~ New To Atlanta ~~~ In Call Specials All Night 😊 - 24
(Atlanta, Atlanta Airport Area/College Park)
Soo stare at the screen NO MORE i'm all you need ...Your DiRTY LiTTLE SECRET that loves to please!!! - 21
(NEW PLAYMATE College park.......incall)
SOºoOo° F*CKING THICK »-(¯`v´¯)-» I'll NeVeR FuMbLe Ur BaLLs »-(¯`v´¯)-»FACE SITTING/ASS WORSHIP
(WhY HaVe[1] WhEn yOu cAn hAvE ALL [3])
~♥ -:¦:- ♥° SOPHISTICATED, PASSIONATE, Playful BuSTy BLonDe PLAYmate - 25
* * *C U T I E W I T H C U R V E S * * * R E A D Y R E D............. - 22
SpaN!sH BuNn! ROXY °❀ °❀°❀°PUT ( Me oN ) ) °❀ °❀° ((Your)) ( ( TO DO ) ) °❀ °❀°❀° ( ( LiST ) )°❀ °❀° - 20
(Atlanta, NORCROSS : Appointment only.)
SPECIAL 🍭 EBONY TREAT🎀 Sexy Exotic CALL NOW💞 678-922-0634 - 22
(Atlanta, Morrow, Riverdale,Jonesboro,Forest Park, Otp South)
Special Goin Outta Town Extravaganza !!! Two-Girls !!! On The Scene ... Limited Time Only *** - 19
(Virginia Ave./Airport Area)
*** SPECIAL LOW RATES *** Blonde & Brunette *** $40 quicky and $90 HOUR ***
(Atlanta and all surronding areas)
***SpeciaL **NEW**STuNNiNG PlaYMaTE !!! GreEN EYES !! ~~* SExY CuRVeS !!!! ~~*HAvE Me YOuR WaY!! ** - 21
(Atlanta, Atlanta /**BU*Ck*HE*AD***In/Out)
Snow angel 😘😘💄💦💦21 incalls.. 😜...specials ...sensual and exotic 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦super s - 21
(Atlanta, Jonesboro/morrow, Otp South)
***SNOW WHITE*** SexyRedHead! WhiteGirl! NaughtyFun! BigBooty! Lets Play! - 23
(Atlanta, Austell,Cobb,Marietta,Atlanta Incall)
***SPANISH*** SEXY*** SELENA*** Available now in your area. SPECIALS Available - 21
(Otp South, jimmy carter/Lawrenceville/85N in/out)